QPS Emergency Funding Report
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Need help? Please email any questions to healthplanhelpdesk@coalitionexchange.org
to view your available balance on your Summit MasterCard.
to request emergency cash funding. (Only use this if you have already paid your provider direct and have a reimbursement reported below)
In the months of January-October 2022 You Were Insured at the Egyptian Trust
This was the Benefit You Signed Up For
This was the Amount of Deductibles, Coinsurance and Copays Each Family Member Incurred- THIS IS THE AMOUNT BCBS SHOULD HAVE CARRIED OVER
Calendar Year |
First Name |
Last Name |
Relationship |
Deductible |
Coinsurance |
Copay |
OOP Sum Ded Plus Coinsurance |
In the months of November-December 2022, BCBS was to combine the claims of the Egyptian Trust Era with any claims incurred under the new BCBS Plan.
Below is the Benefit You Were Awarded at BCBS. This plan has less protection than you are used to. In order to recreate your original benefit,
Quincy Public Schools runs an HRA (Health Reimbursement Account) that reimburses any increased out of pocket attributable to deductible and coinsurance (some copays have gone up but the total OOP remains).
Second plan Not to worry, This benefit is when combined with an QUINCY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEDUCTIBLE REIMBURSEMENT.
Calendar year | Plan Name | Individual | Family |
Max Deductible | Max Coinsurance | Max OOP | Max Deductible | Max Coinsurance | Max OOP |
Below is the New QPS BCBS PLAN (Nov and Dec) Amount of Deductibles, Coinsurance and Copays Each Family Member
Plan year |
Name |
Total BCBS Billed |
Total BCBS Allowed |
Total BCBS Paid |
Total Due Provider |
Total BCBS Deductible |
Total BCBS Coinsurance |
Total BCBS Copay |
Total BCBS OOP |
Please wait...... |
Below is the FULL YEAR COMBINED Amount of Deductibles, Coinsurance and Copays Each Family Member (Egyptian Trust + New QPS BCBS PLAN in Nov and Dec).
Calendar Year |
First Name |
Last Name |
Relationship |
Deductible |
Coinsurance |
Copay |
OOP Sum Ded Plus Coinsurance |
Quincy Public Schools HRA
BCBS has acknowledged that they did not carry over Egyptian Trust credits. They are in the process of correcting claims.
We know that providers have begun to bill employees as they are unaware that the information they got from BCBS is incorrect.
The below report identifies the expected amount BCBS will be funding as well as the amount your HRA will reimburse to cap your out of pocket to the benefit you enrolled for in September.
The HRA amount depicted is the TOTAL that has been placed on your card since December.
Please click the SUMMIT MASTERCARD link above to view your current available balance and any prior transactions.
The below calculation takes into account only deductible expenses. If you are on an M series plan you have doctor visit and RX copays. You will receive a separate reconciliation this week.
If your report indicates an additional amount is due from BCBS, you will receive separate instructions as we will assist in getting your provider to stop billing until BCBS corrects your claims.
Plan year |
first name |
last Name |
Relationship |
potential Funds Expected From BCBS |
Please wait...... |
Every 20th day of the month we receive the claims that BCBS processed in the month prior.
Any information you received last month on a BCBS explanation of benefits is summarized below.
Plan year |
Name |
Total BCBS Billed |
Total BCBS Allowed |
Total BCBS Paid |
Total Due Provider |
Total BCBS Deductible |
Total BCBS Coinsurance |
Total BCBS Copay |
Total BCBS OOP |
Please wait...... |
Detailed Break Down Per Claim for
Processed Date |
Date of Service |
Name |
Claim Number |
Provider |
Total Billed |
Penalty |
Allowed Amount |
BCBS Paid |
Amount Due Provider |
Plan Year |
5. CLAIM DETAILS BY PERSON/CATEGORY/PROVIDER - We are in the process of marking the reimbursement due. Your claims are NOT FINALIZED if you dot see RED LETTERING "FINAL- ALL REIMBURSEMENTS ATTRIBUTED" BCBS was delayed in releasing claims-Check back in 48 hours to view our finalized report!
Claims for
Claim Type:
Processed Date |
Date of Service |
Plan Year |
Name |
Claim Number |
Provider |
Claim Type |
Total Billed |
Penalty |
Allowed Amount |
BCBS Paid |
Amount Due Provider |
Total Deductible Reimbursements |
Total Copay Reimbursements |
Employee Real Responsibility |
Please wait...... |
Claim Type |
Date Of Service |
Place Of Service |
Billed Amount |
Allowed Amount |
Carrier Paid |
Your Responsibility |
Primary Diagnosis |
Procedure Description |
Procedure Code |
Deductible |
Coinsurance |
Copay |
Penalty |
Medication Name |
Medication QTY |
Medication Supply |
LineId |
| |